With over 203.98 B GBP[3] in assets under management, Xtrackers ranks as one of the largest European-headquartered provider of ETFs globally. Xtrackers offers over 170 ETFs on various asset classes, including equity, fixed income, money market, currencies and commodities, letting investors implement a wide range of market strategies in a transparent, flexible and efficient way.
Xtrackers ETFs are listed on a number of stock exchanges across Europe (the Borsa Italiana Frankfurt Xetra, Euronext Paris, London Stock Exchange, and the Zurich SIX Swiss Exchange) and two in Asia (the Singapore Exchange and Hong Kong Stock Exchange), and are supported by a range of market makers.
In 2014, Xtrackers established a range of Xtrackers Core ETFs[1] with annual All-in Fees[2] starting as low as 0.06%. Xtrackers Core ETFs are based on the following principles:
Xtrackers Core ETFs may be considered as core building blocks for a range of investor portfolios.
Xtrackers’ range of environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) ETFs provides investors with exposure to thoughtfully constructed indices designed to be at the cutting edge of socially responsible investing. Xtrackers ESG ETFs use screening and other techniques to create products that meet ESG requirements, such as tilting in favour of lower carbon companies. Xtrackers ESG ETFs area available with equity or bond underlyings.
Xtrackers is at the forefront of providing access to emerging markets, especially China. The Xtrackers team launched its first China ETF in 2007. This was followed by Europe’s first China A-Shares ETF in 2010 and Europe’s first physical China A-Shares ETF in 2015. Xtrackers also launched Europe’s first physical China on-shore bond ETF as well as the first China A-H Shares ETF. Xtrackers therefore offers a range of ETFs to access the Chinese on and offshore capital markets.
Providing flexible allocation options is part of the Xtrackers approach to offering investors a broad range of efficient, high quality index trackers. Part of this product tool kit is the efficient management of currency risk. Xtrackers offers currency-hedged exposures across equities, fixed income and commodities. This includes EUR, GBP, USD, and CHF-hedged share classes, enabling investors to manage currency risk across major currency regions.
ÂStrategic beta strategies aim to provide higher risk adjusted returns compared to traditional benchmarks by applying alternative weighting or stock selection methodologies. Xtrackers offers a range of strategic beta ETFs across equity, fixed income and commodity benchmarks.
Xtrackers has a range of exchange traded commodities (ETCs) providing physical exposure to precious metals such as gold and silver, and also to oil. The Xtrackers Optimum Yield oil and energy ETCs use a futures buying algorithm that aims to optimise the process of using futures to acquire commodity exposure. Xtrackers commodity ETFs, providing exposure to diversified commodity portfolios, are also available.
1. Low All-in-fees mainstream benchmark trackers that can be considered suitable (long term) "core" holdings in investors’ portfolios.
2. Investors should be aware that in addition to the All-In Fee, the ETF may incur other costs which may negatively impact the performance of their investment relative to the underlying index. Examples include: Brokerage and other transaction costs, financial transaction taxes or stamp duties as well as potential differences in taxation of either capital gains or dividend assumed in the relevant underlying index, and actual taxation of either capital gains or dividends in the ETF. Investors should also note that currency hedging costs are not included in the All-In Fee. The precise impact of these costs cannot be estimated reliably in advance as it depends on a variety of non-static factors. Investors are encouraged to consult the audited annual- and un-audited semi-annual reports for details.