Important Notice

The trading of certain Xtrackers ETFs will cease with effect from close of trading on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (“SGX-ST”) on 30 July 2020 and will subsequently undergo compulsory repurchase and delisting on the SGX-ST.

Compulsory Repurchase Prices

IH3 - USD 66.3704

LF2 - USD 60.3648

KF8 - USD 94.2057

KT3 - EUR 22.5168

IH2 - USD 74.1810

HD7 - USD 39.3332

HE0 - USD 146.0151

HD8 - USD 39.5315

HD6 - USD 11.0522

IH1 - USD 48.8707

LF1 - AUD 49.3301

IH0 - EUR 49.0039

KT4 - USD 12.7648

J0O - USD 3.8287

J0R - USD 2.5513

J0P - USD 6.9110

J0Q - USD 5.8423

K6K - USD 62.5881

LG6 - USD 11.4582

LG7 - USD 21.1255

LG8 - USD 11.1739

N2E - USD 1.4578

O9D - USD 1.0227

Download full Important Notice to Shareholders for more information.

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