Privacy Notice

At DWS we recognize the importance of personal information entrusted to us. It is one of our fundamental responsibilities as an asset manager to ensure that we protect the information entrusted to us by our clients and our website visitors. Please find below select security measures we established to protect your privacy.

Why does DWS collect personal information?

We collect, process, and use personal information on our websites in order to offer you even better products and services, best adapt our business processes to our clients’ needs, and steer you to the most suitable product information and applications.

How is information collected and how long is it retained?

Information collected on our website will only be retained for as long as necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected. If you wish to access or correct any information, you may have your data deleted, blocked or corrected (if compliant with applicable law). You have the right to access the personal information we hold about you; this service is free of charge.
Furthermore, DWS strives to continuously improve the website. For this reason, we collect anonymized data on the use of our website, such as domain of origin, number of page views, length of stay, etc. This data is used purely for statistical and market research purposes and is not passed on to third parties. For this purpose, we use the offer of Mapp Digital c/o Webtrekk GmbH (Berlin). It collects and evaluates anonymized information that is transmitted by your browser when visiting the DWS website. You can object to the procedure for the future by clicking here:


In accordance with the requirements of European data protection law, our website visitors are informed separately about any collection of personal data on the websites concerned that goes beyond the use of Mapp Digital. We do not collect, use or process any personal data without your explicit consent, which can also be declared electronically (e.g. when requesting brochures). Once consent has been given, it can be revoked at any time.

How is information retained, protected, and used?

Information input collected through this website will be transferred to the responsible DWS division. Banking secrecy as well as confidentiality are maintained. Data will not be transferred to third parties, unless necessary to answer your queries (i.e. leaflets dispatched by vendors). Your information is used to exclusively fulfil the purpose for which it is collected, relating to the website through which it is collected.

Websites through which we collect your information are usually encoded using the encryption module of your browser. These sites are certified by renowned institutions for international encryption technique. Moreover, DWS put in place additional and comprehensive state-of-the-art security measures when both accounts and custody accounts are accessed via the internet. Firewalls prevent unauthorized access.

Diverse encryption and identification layers protect customer information from intrusion or disclosure to third parties during data transfer. Furthermore, DWS internally uses sophisticated encryption methods in order to prevent de-coding by unauthorized persons. Moreover, an electronic identifier is generated during data transfer to safeguard your information.


In view of the importance of data privacy, and our obligations of transparency, we provide information below about cookies, how we use them on our website based on Article 6 GDPR, lawfulness of processing, and what options you have if you want to activate or deactivate these cookies.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are sent to your computer to ensure the technical functionality of the website. DWS uses cookies in some areas of its web pages to make it easier for you to use the pages and to make them more personalized.

When trying to understand and manage cookies, it can help to know following terminology:

  • Cookies installed on your device by the organization running the website you are visiting are known as “first party” cookies.
  • Cookies installed on your device via the website you are visiting by another organization are termed “third party” cookies. An example is a cookie set by a specialist website analytics company that provides the website owner with data on the numbers of people visiting its website (cookies for reach and usage analysis).
  • So-called “persistent cookies” remain on your device even after you close your internet browser. They are activated each time you visit the website that created that particular cookie. For example, where a "persistent cookie" is used on a website to remember your login details, you will not need to enter those details each time you visit that website (functional and preference cookies).
  • "Session cookies", by contrast, are temporary and are typically used to enable the website to operate, e.g. by permitting a user to move from page to page without having to log in again. Once you close your browser, all session cookies are deleted (technically necessary cookies).
  • "Flash cookies" are installed by websites that contain media (e.g. video clips). Adobe Flash software is required for this. This allows content to be downloaded more quickly and information to be stored, for example that the content has been accessed from your device (functional and preference cookies).

What cookies do we use?

Essential Cookies

Our websites use cookies, which are necessary for the technical functionality of our websites and the detection of errors and security-relevant anomalies or to offer a service or option you have requested.

Functional and preference cookies

Functional and preference cookies enable our website to save information that has already been entered (such as username, language selection or location information) and to offer improved, personalized functionalities. Such cookies are also used to enable functionalities such as playing videos.

Analysis cookies

We strive to continuously improve the website. For this purpose, we use cookies providing us with overall statistics about the number of visitors, which areas of a page are viewed most frequently, information about the city or location of the users and the length of stay, etc. but also as a statistical audience tool to assess the success of digital communication and marketing measures. These can be installed by external analysis providers commissioned by us.

To adapt our website to your interests and needs, as well as for the purpose of market research, we analyze data that is generated when visiting our website in case you have given explicit consent to analysis cookies. We use the Mapp Digital c/o Webtrekk GmbH (Berlin) offers for this purpose.

Mapp Digital collects anonymized usage data on our website visitors' browsing behavior on our behalf. For this purpose, Mapp Digital sets a session cookie through your browser. The session cookie enables us to record your visit across several DWS websites. The session cookie is set anew each time you visit our website and expires after you leave our website. Mapp Digital also sets a temporary cookie that enables us to identify you pseudonymized using the cookie ID as a returning visitor to our website.

Marketing Cookies

Our websites use cookies so that we can measure and optimize the success of our marketing campaigns. To do this, we track the needs of users in order to prevent them from being shown content that is not relevant to them. Based on these cookies, we personalize our marketing campaigns to the needs of the users.

If you have consented to the use of marketing cookies, we use the re-marketing technology of our below listed partners on our website. It enables us to recognize visitors to our websites on the websites of our advertising partners using a pseudonym and to address them with information relating to their interests. During a visit to our website, a temporary cookie from our advertising partners is placed by the browser of your end device as part of the re-marketing. This cookie enables us to carry out the re-marketing in real time.

To display advertisements on the websites of our advertising partners, we use technologies, so-called "remarketing pixels", from third-party providers. The "remarketing pixels" also use cookies to assign a pseudonymized identification number to your browser. The use of cookies enables publishers (based on your visits to our website) to place advertisements on the websites of our advertising partners. The cookies do not contain any information that would allow conclusions to be drawn about you as a natural person.

If you want to prevent the use of these cookies, you can deactivate the marketing cookies under cookie settings. This also prevents the transmission of data to the above-mentioned publishers.

As part of re-marketing, no personal data will be processed or passed on to Mapp Digital or our advertising partners without your explicit consent.

The following cookies are used if you have given your consent:






Processing entity

Tealium Collect

Collects data on user preferences such as language settings or topic preferences

Functional and preference cookies

1 Year



11095 Torreyana Road

San Diego, CA 92121

EID Ever ID / Cookie ID

Collects aggregated data on website usage and functioning

Essential Cookies

6 Months


Mapp Digital Germany GmbH

Robert-Koch-Platz 4

10115 Berlin

Google Analytics

Collects aggregated data on website usage

Analysis cookies

2 Years


Google Ireland Limited

Google Building Gordon House

4 Barrow Street

Dublin D04 E5W5, Ireland

Google Remarketing

Enables targeted display advertising

Marketing Cookies

30 Days


Google Ireland Limited

Google Building Gordon House

4 Barrow Street

Dublin D04 E5W5, Ireland

Facebook Pixel

Enables targeted Social Media Marketing

Marketing Cookies

88 Days


Facebook Ireland Limited

4 Grand Canal Square

Grand Canal Harbour

Dublin, D02, Ireland


Enables targeted Social Media Marketing

Marketing Cookies

2 Years


LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company

Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland

How to control cookies

Some cookies allow you to take full advantage of the functionality of our website. In order to offer certain functionalities, certain technically necessary cookies can be used to display these functionalities correctly.

You can set your web browser to disable cookies. Please note that most browsers offer different ways to protect your privacy. If you do not activate or deactivate certain cookies via the browser settings, it is possible that certain functionalities will not be available to you as expected. For example, you can allow first-party cookies, but block third-party cookies, or receive a notification each time a website wants to install a cookie.

Please note that if you disable cookies in this way, you will not be able to set new cookies. However, it will not prevent previously set cookies from continuing to work on your device until you clear all cookies in your browser settings. Instructions for managing cookies on your browser can usually be found under the browser's help function or in the operating instructions for your smartphone.

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