
Investors should note that the Xtrackers ETFs & ETCs are not capital protected or guaranteed and investors in each Xtrackers ETF or ETC should be prepared and able to sustain losses up to the total capital invested. The value of an investment in an Xtrackers ETF or ETC may go down as well as up and past performance does not predict future returns. Investment in Xtrackers ETFs or ETCs involve risks. For a list of related risks please click on the Risks and Terms tab.

No way around India?

Investing in the world’s most populous economy.
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Future trends: Investing in Xtrackers Thematic ETFs

What is a megatrend today could change the world tomorrow. Artificial intelligence and big data are two of the most disruptive technologies of our time, opening up completely new possibilities for companies, investors and individuals.
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Diversified Investing – Key Facts about Xtrackers Core ETFs

For all investors who wish to focus on the world's most important equity and fixed-income indices.
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